Salter Cane

Salter Cane in Lewes, April 21st

Can you handle an entire evening of Salter Cane? That’s what in store at Lewes Con Club on Friday, April 21st.

We’ll be playing all evening long. Doors open at 8pm and we’ll kick off our first set shortly after that. That’s right: first set. We’re planning to play two sets—with a little break in-between—without repeating anything. So you can expect some diamonds from the past to be unearthed, along with some newer material you may not have heard before.

And how much will this Salter Cane saturated evening cost you, I hear you ask. That’s the best bit—it won’t cost you a penny! That’s right: free entry to a Friday evening of misery and murder in song form. You wouldn’t want to miss that now, would you?

See you on Friday, April 21st at 8pm in Lewes Con Club.